Going to the Comrades Marathon 2015

15 December 2014 | Comrades Marathon | 90km                                                       Durban to Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

You want to run what? I find myself asking that question more often since we started running. Jacky and I have been discussing our race plans for 2015. When we first started running we wanted to do every race we could. Now as we move into our 4th consecutive year of endurance sports we do more training but aim for quality over quantity.

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Oh Medal Rack

It’s time of the year again where we look back at our medals and order a new Medal rack.

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We planned 20 races this year, but we did a total of 19 races.  Out of these races we received 14 Medals, Continue reading →

25th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall Run

09 November 2014 | Seoul, South Korea | 5km

IMG_33089 November 1989 – 2014 (베를린 장벽 붕괴 25주년) marks the 25th anniversary of the “Peaceful Revolution” that began in the East German cities of Leipzig and Dresden and precipitated the fall of the Berlin Wall, and eventually led to the reunification of the country the following year. Continue reading →